Sunrise A2 Milk Dairy Farm

  • 23-Jun-2024, 19:51:54
  • Category: Milk Dairy
  • Location: Rajasthan
  • Ad Views: 82
Sunrise A2 milk Dairy farm is located near Jaipur, Rajasthan. The farm is spread across 25 acres with green and natural surroundings. Sunrise Dairy farm has more than 100 Indian Gir cows. A2 milk is reported to be milk with highest nutritional value as compared to the milk produced by other breeds of cows. Gir cows are known all over the world for their ability to produce high-quality milk.

165 Balaji Vihar- N, Niwaru Rd, Jhotwara, Jaipur, Rajasthan , 302012

Open (Closes 11:30 pm)
Open Time: 10:00 am
Close Time: 11:30 pm
Sunday: Open